Saturday, 18 July 2009


Well ive been pretty busy on my new server.

Got on Ranger and leveled it to 36 so far for a sub if i want in the future for Samurai, Just need to finnish it off, only 2k exp to go ^.^;.

SAM is currently sitting at 64, while i try out other things.

The bigger news is that ive grown rather fond of BLU actually...

I so far have all spells up to 18 and i am missing one spell at 16 "Healing Breeze" and one lvl 20 spell you get from tigers.... i forget the name.

Either way im trying to different things to stop the bordom.

Im also trying out a free online MMO called Dragonica looks pretty cool so ill see how that goes.

Either way ill stick with BLU as much as poss, and if i get super bored i may journey back into the world of warcraft as my bro plays and would be fun to help him out with his characters! ^^

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