Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Saturday, 18 July 2009


Well ive been pretty busy on my new server.

Got on Ranger and leveled it to 36 so far for a sub if i want in the future for Samurai, Just need to finnish it off, only 2k exp to go ^.^;.

SAM is currently sitting at 64, while i try out other things.

The bigger news is that ive grown rather fond of BLU actually...

I so far have all spells up to 18 and i am missing one spell at 16 "Healing Breeze" and one lvl 20 spell you get from tigers.... i forget the name.

Either way im trying to different things to stop the bordom.

Im also trying out a free online MMO called Dragonica looks pretty cool so ill see how that goes.

Either way ill stick with BLU as much as poss, and if i get super bored i may journey back into the world of warcraft as my bro plays and would be fun to help him out with his characters! ^^

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Changing Servers

After 3/4 years on Fenrir i decided to move servers with my mate Nvi.

I do not wish to disclose the server name as i want a new start.

See you again people of Fenrir. (But i hope not :P)

Friday, 10 July 2009

Partying SAM

After a long time LFP and countless crappy parties i got an invite to a party in the past, East Ronfaure (S).

Needless to say it is awesome, and jumped from 53 to 55 in no time, and still going strong as i type this.

Hopefully i will be 56+ by the end of the night!

Update: Chaining Past 11, and earning 16.4k an hour!!!!

Update again!: Still going even now, hit a max of CHAIN 17 so far!! Fantastic :D

Samurai 53

With my AF boots.


So after waiting a full day to get this item i finally did. SAM AF complete.

Cant wait to wear it all, looks badass :D

Thursday, 9 July 2009


So got to the BCNM for AF3, and it could'nt have gone more wrong at the beggining >.<.

The group: Me (75 PLD/WAR), Leek (75 BLM/WAR), Lilley (MNK/NIN) and Goastbear (MNK/DNC).

Basically i went in voked the BLM but somehow thought i targeted the wrong mob, so i was getting hit, fucking up with macro's the lot! (Everything that could have gone wrong with me did!)

Anyways Leek, Lilley and Goast did a great job killing off the BLM and SMN, but somehow got hit and all 3 of us went down excluding Goast.

Goast had one mob left, the DRK and continued to beat on it, not getting anywhere below 600HP.

He finnished the fight the only member living, and i got my CS and Key item, all i can say is im glad i didnt have to do it again and its now out of the way. Just have to wait till JP midnight now before i can get headpiece.

My deepest thanks go out to you 3 who helped, as i could'nt do it without you, even if it was a rough ride.

Thank you Leek, Lilley and Goastbear, owe you guys and girl :P

Jelly Ring

This i recieved days ago, but i thought i would put it up anyways.

I got this from the Sewer Syrup in the Bostauniex Oubliette, after camping it for like 4-5 hours with 3 other friends i was relieved to finally claim the NM and also get the drop :D

Thanks going out to Lilley, Goastbear, and Jasmina.


So this is the AF for SAM i have gotten already, It was pretty simple really, except one death but i cant say i didnt expect it.

Now just waiting to start my AF3, i can flag it in 15 mins :)

Starting out...

Well after seeing a friends blog, i decided to make myself one.

I am currently leveling Samurai which is LVL51 and i just spent most of the day getting all my AF armour.

Each coffer key took like over an hour to drop, but i solo'd all of it myself and was glad when they did drop. (The coffer keys were for Kuftal Tunnel, Quicksand Caves and Temple of Uggalepih)

I found each each coffer chest rather easily and within 5 minutes of entering the zone for each. Unfortunatley i died just after opening the Kuftal coffer, but i didnt de~level and was the only time i died.

Quicksand coffer i found really quickly and warped out as soon as i opened the chest.

For the Temple of Uggalepih, a friend called Wolverinemrp helped me by opening the doors in the zone so i could find the chest... we found it withing 5 mins of entering the zone :)

After getting all my items from the Chests, i went to Xarcbard to fight Dark Spark which i solo'd and left with max HP, so it was really easy solo!

So i now have 4/5 pieces and am going to be doing the last fight after 4pm Thursday and then i will be done.

Thats all for this post, but ill will update asap with pics.