Sunday, 4 October 2009


Where to begin, i have achieved so much recently since my last post.

*I finally attained Fenrir, and Diabolos after some long hard work.

*Finally attained my Optical Hat again.

*Finally finnished Divine Might, and got myself a Suppaonomi earring.

*Got Red Mage to 60.

*Got myself an Evoker's Ring.

*Got myself Garuda's Dagger for THF.

*Got myself Diabolo's Earring.

*Got a Yinyang Robe!!!!

And now im continuing my THF to 75, then finally finnish summoner =)

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

THF & NM Camping

Got my THF to 63 recently, not really been pushed to continue as ive been trying to make some money and camp NM's.

0/12 on Mee Deggi The Punisher.

Something like 0/7 on Huu Torrent guy in giddus.

Either way, fund and making some cash :)

THF to 75 soon as i get my Okotes.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Dragon Harness set

Figured id be needed some other cool gear for thf at 75, so i purchased Dragon Harness, Mittens and Feet, and on the lookout now for Legs, as none on the AH curerently ^^


Ok been leveling Thief and having so much fun with it!

Currently level 51, and got all my AF at 50!

All of it was really really easy, except maybe the NM bomb in Garliage Citadel, which sorta hit more than i thought it would, and harder, but had people with me and managed to beat it!

So now just gonna casually lvl thf to 75 and get some campaign in so i can get iron ram gear for PLD.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Swift Belt +1 :P

Just updating with Images of the items i just got in preperation for my THF.
Also purchased a Thief's Knife for the TH3, that will come in handy right? ;)

Monday, 10 August 2009

Swift Belt

Ok so after doing all missions up to CoP 5-1, i was elligable to do a Swift Belt run!

Anyways, in WG bored as hell! and someone shouts for Swift Belt runs!

So anyways, after a coupla hours i finally got my NM popped and the guy dropped the belt! :D

Also, with a side dose of awesomeness i also got a Gemini Subligar drop and lotted the highest for it!

Swift Belt + Rapparee Harness = Totally leveling THF! Now i just need a Thiefs Knife....

Better get working on that!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Another Update

Ok so been playing as hard as ever and finally got my SAM to 75.

I have been leveling BLU, and got all spells 1-30, i'm currently lvl26, 24-26 i pretty much solo'd cus parties were so bad!

I finally completed ACP! and got my body piece from that! and basically i think its the best body piece in the game for Paladin and also the sickest looking piece of gear in the game!

Here i am wearing it! I augmented Fast Cast + 5 and Emnity + 5

I also got my hands on Organics! Fuck'in sweet sword!